Sunday, September 4, 2016

Wholeness, Unveiled!

Dear Reader,

Love on you for getting here!  You made it!  Maybe you've got a fatal health prognosis, maybe you just feel like it with an inexplicable chronic ailment like chronic Lyme as I had for seven years.  Maybe you have a loved one whose tried everything the medical world has to offer.  Maybe youre just tired of lugging around this body day after day and not really feeling alive.  Maybe you need a boost in feeling turned on, alive, whole.  Whatever the case, you've joined this dialogue just by showing up and exposing yourself to something new, this blog on wholeness. 

What do I mean by wholeness? While everyone wants a silver bullet fix-it solution to whatever is ailing them, usually chronic pain of some sort (mental, physical, spiritual), and while this blog just might offer something practical that unlocks that kind of relief from pain, wholeness has more to do with your perspective, your harmonious integration, ultimately your experience of your life.  So you know Im not blowing smoke up your rear end, let me tell you about my journey with healing from Lyme disease over a seven year period, my "street cred".   My symptoms: nearly perpetual sensation of bones on fire, migraines, vertigo (like someone shaking my spine, a personal earthquake), unfathomable fatigue (like you just ran a cross country race moments ago when in reality you've only gone to the kitchen to scramble some eggs), light sensitivity, smell sensitivity, motion sensitivity (any of these things could trigger the vertigo), to name a few.  Prior to this onset of illness I was given a crumb along the path, a clue to healing and wholeness when I was a graduate student of transpersonal psychology and volunteering for hospice.  In these arenas health is more than the body being able to carry out its normal functions, its the quality of experience, the deep sense of integration, acceptance, and love known at one's core.  I got that crumb and offered that kind of wisdom and presence to people who were dying and their families.  However, when the time came that I myself felt like I was dying, the daily practice of cultivating such wisdom and presence from the inside out, it was whole other ball game.  If I didn't keep the perspective of knowing I am more than my function, what I have to offer the world, if I didn't know I was more than this body that was on fire, I would experience the closest thing I know to hell on Earth.  I say all this to relay, Ive had to put my money where my mouth is. Ive had to apply the lofty wisdom I, in hindsight realize, rather flippantly, offered to patients and clients.  To deeply acknowledge and whole-heartedly love the body in its pain, to also transcend ones consciousness from only being the body to that of an Eternal Being, one can find true and total bliss, free from suffering.  This is the wholeness of which I speak.  This is a wholeness that is already you, already your birthright, already here in the now.  Can you feel it?  What would a whole you look like?  How many layers is s/he hiding under?  Can you name the layers veiling your wholeness?  Im sure the veils are there for good reason.  Illness?  Pain unceasing? Agony of some sort?  General disillusionment with life?  Disappoinment with someone who failed you?  Maybe your own body or mind has failed you?  Does it feel like God forgot about you?  Did God fail you?  Not that its possible in my view but I know the feeling. 

Again, welcome to this blog!  Youre in good company.  Youre home.  A place where wholeness is a God given constant.  Lets see whats veiling our experience from knowing its true.  Lets explore together. 

Here you'll find reflections on the Lyme Years (2009-early 2016).  I kept a detailed journal from time to time on various diets, various protocols.  I kept a detailed journal of dreams.  I also kept a very frank account of what I was feeling, physically and emotionally.  This blog will however focus on returning to a sense of wholeness and all the ways Spirit/God/Love graced me with various avenues, pathways to unveil that mystery of the Eternally Whole Self.  Also check out my site for facilitating some steps along this path with you:  . 

Its a pleasure to be with you in this way.  Write me and connect anytime.  Lets unveil wholeness together. 

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